T. B. Sanatorium Buildings in Vrindaban
T. B. Sanatorium Buildings in Vrindaban

If you forget your roots, what hope does your future hold

Today, TB is the leading cause of death world­wide from a single human pathogen, claiming more lives than diseases such as Human Immu­nodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS), malaria, diarrhoea, leprosy and all the other tropical diseases combined. Back in 1958, Rai Bahadur Bissessurlal Motilal Halwasiya Trust under the leadership of Late Babu Shyam Sundarji Halwasiya and Late Babu Purushottam Dassji Halwasiya took a cause to fight with Tuberculosis and in 1958 we helped Shri Brij Seva Samiti T.B. Sanatorium by constructing a Guest House and a Outer unit for them (Archive Pictures Below). It was our dedication to fight with one of the largest global silent killers in India. 

Rai Bahadur Bissessurlal Motilal Halwasiya Outdoor Block T. B. Sanatorium, Vrindavan, 1958
Rai Bahadur Bissessurlal Motilal Halwasiya Guest House, T. B. Sanatorium, Vrindaban, 1958

We were moved so much so that the commitment made by Late Babu Shyam Sundarji Halwasiya and Late Babu Purushottam Dassji Halwasiya that even today the Trust sponsors bed at Shri Brij Seva Samiti T.B. Sanatorium. However a recent enquiry made to them about the conditions of the construction was replied to them as quoted (Full letter is available below)

Now these Building are no more there as new construction has come up in its place

Letter received from Shri Brij Sewa Samiti T.B. Sanatorium informing us about the demolition of the buildings donated by the Halwasiya Trust

Only when we enquired about the status of the buildings did they thought it their obligation to inform us of the demolition. all this time they kept silent and took the sponsorship money from the Halwasiya Trust. they didn’t even realize that if they had not received the donations from the Halwasiya trust 50 years back there might not be a T. B. Sanatorium today.