High School at Rajarhaat
High School at Rajarhaat

High School at Rajarhaat

The year 2025 marks 100 years of inception for Rai Bahadur Bissessurlal Motilal Halwasiya Trust. Sri Bijay Shankar Halwasiya shared his vision to dedicate a state of the art high school in Kolkata on this occasion in 2007 and in 2008 a land was purchase at Rajarhaat. After years of endeavors in 2019 the Trust finally decided to start the work on a visionary school at Rajarhaat. The conceptualization of this school began with a study of what is available and what is lacking in schools of Kolkata both in terms of methodology and in terms of infrastructure.

Artist Impression of the School Infrastructure

When we were designing this school we not only focused on the learning environment inside the classroom but on the outside as well. We focused not only on theory learning (as mandated by curriculum) but also on implementation as well. Not only on the modern learning but also on the cultural development as well. But most of all we wanted to give an learning environment that is not claustrophobic. Special care has been taken to maximize per sq.ft. space per student so that they have ample space to move around and not feel boxed up

One of the major factors that came to our attention was, despite of all the innovation in education and stuffing of all the technology in a classroom, the basic shape of the classroom, which strikingly resembles as a cardboard box, was never challenged. We began planning how best to go about changing this preconceived notion of a box shaped room. As you can clearly see in the illustration that almost 33% of students sitting in the classroom doesn’t see the focus Point (the Board). That is what we decide to change and we succeeded in coming up with a design that is more conducive to the learning environment (More on it will follow in subsequent post)

We on the onset of the project decided not to do just enough to get our affiliation but to go over and beyond that. Our major emphasis is given not only to provide ample security to the children given in our care. but also the state of the art Laboratories which are not limited to science labs such as Physics, Chemistry and Biology and other general labs like English or Math but also other state of the art labs like Innovations, Robotics, Software, and hardware labs. Plus the other extra curricular activities on par any Ivy league school in kolkata

Although we, have come a long way but we still have miles to go. We hope to get your support and wishes in implementing and dedicating this project to all the students in Kolkata

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  1. Pingback: Rai Bahadur Bissessurlal Motilal Halwasiya High School, Golgram | Rai Bahadur Bissessurlal Motilal Halwasiya Trust

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